Closing Down Sale on now



Thousands of animals are being abandoned in Australia each year, many of which are being left due to no fault of their own. Thankfully, with the help of numerous selfless individuals and institutions, these deserving critters are being given a second chance at life and love. As we begin to grow, we hope that the funding these animal angels receive does too.

When you purchase anything from our RESCUE! line, 40% of the sale price will go to a different rescue each month. Each month the rescue receiving funds will be determined by you. Nominate a rescue for us to feature in our monthly newsletter by filling in the Reward-A-Rescue form below. Remember, this does not have to be an organisation, it can be your next door neighbours mothers classmates gardener. If they're helping our furry friends out, we want to know!

[powr-form-builder label="Reward-A-Rescue"]